The Holidays

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Happy Holidays  -- Sort of:

If you are like me, this can be a tough time or it can be filled with joy.
On the other hand, it can be a dark time filled with messages of doom. Let us not even think about the New Year, which is only one month away.

It is not all lost certainly you can bring life back into the holidays. Last year we went to my brother’s place, away from the shopping buzz, and add to that the non-stop Christmas caroling in every store.

If you have children, that buzz will be just a little more but as a family, start or do your own traditions. Maybe look at what has worked with birthdays.

One of my activities is to review the last year. Then plan out my new year in a broad way. This doesn’t need be about goal setting as you just want to see when things might happen.

All the Best… Chris at the Rippling Pond.


  1. I thought I would ask a question. What things do you do that help you take care of yourself (assuming there are moments that get overwhelming like they do for me)?

    1. Hello Don sorry about getting back to you a little late just coming on board with Blogger.

      To answer your question for me personally understanding that you are going to come to "that" point. However that point may never come so don't look for it! Stay calm enjoy what you have right at that moment. I work with Mindfulness a lot which teachs you to stay in the moment let each moment unfold naturally.


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